Sample Facial Morgellons

Sample Facial Morgellons
Morgellons can appear on any part of the body and is spread by touching or scratching wounded areas and not washing with HibiClens

WARNING!!! And Disclaimer

This blog may contain graphic photo documentation that is gross, disturbing, or surreal. If you are easily grossed out, then either don't look at the photos or just find another blog documenting the trials and treatments a patient has put her/himself through, often with dangerous possible outcomes.

Morgellons Disease/Syndrome is real, but it is a label that too often is wrongly used or given to people with other conditions. A lot of dermotological diseases and conditions share some of the same symptoms, so just because you relate to some of the postings, it does not mean you have Morgellons.

In no way do I claim to know how to cure, treat, or diagnose true Morgellons. If you attempt to copy any of my trials or treatments, I am not responsible for any adverse, bad reactions. Always have a licensed respectable medical professional supervising your own attempts to cure or treat your symptoms of this strange immunodeficiency reactive condition commonly caused by severe and chronic stress and not enough self care or self love. Do not copy my efforts and expect the same result, as there is no way to guarantee that we share the same cause and conditional result.

Welcome to My Trials and Experiments To Cure the Incurable

If you know the word "Morgellons" then you already know probably what many of the symptoms are. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, GA, doesn't even recognize it officially, making it difficult for patients to get proper diagnoses or treatment, if at all offered by a doctor (usually they refer patients to a dermatologist rather than actually examine anything).

This page is for all of you searching for the cure as I am.

15 March 2010

Feeling and Looking Better!

This is what I did this weekend, beginning with a phone call on Saturday, March 13, 2010, made to my mom, to tell her about the rapid improvement I had been seeing since the night before and had been dealing with the cleaning up of the "Morgellons" dead waste as my body began to finally overcome it and discharge the dead toxic material left behind.

I told my mother how thankful I am for everything that both parents have put up with and supported me through. I think the lesson here is GRATITUDE - something that for some of us is a topic that makes us groan with the thought, "Not that again!"

But really, it takes being extremely ill and unable to really handle anything to make a person grateful for life, and just the beauty and prana in each breath we take.

I believe my "Unexplained Dermopathy" AKA "Morgellons" disorder (I still do not believe it to be a disease, literally, but more a combination of things hitting us due to a compromised immune system due to stress and isolation. When we cut ourselves off from the ones that love us, or we shut the door on the face of those who have once supported us but now question us just because a "doctor" cannot pinpoint an exactly perfect diagnoses to rationalize or justify needing all this bedrest and just simple understanding and love, it causes our bodies to become unbalanced, because our minds and bodies are connected.

This is no new science. Ayurvedic teachings have long since supported the theory that one can "cure" all ailments by balancing their tri-doshas (see this simple website explanation to get started...), which are simply put: our body's systems along with their mental state and attitude in a combined look and balance. I noticed I had unconsciously been changing my diet and when I stopped to listen to my instincts regarding how to "cure/heal myself" - and it took me finally doing the last act of balancing my mind and thoughts with a positive note to finally realize how simple it is to recover from even a n illness with no known cure, let alone a "name" that is officially recognized by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta. Check that link for why I don't like to use the word "Morgellons" -- it is a "catch-all" name for a variety of illnesses with the same cause, but not the same root. Does that make sense?

I am  going to take some time to show my gratitude to everyone who has been by my side before I post the photos and more detailed information on how I overcame this illness. which really is a most horrible condition that easily sounds like science fiction to a delusional nightmare.

Namaste! Blessings to all, and for those who want a quickly listed cure and fix, I must warn you, this is a multi-faceted illness that doctors cannot cure without our own mental health being addressed and supported.

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